Some Career Options in Science
Biology is the study of living organisms. By understanding and defining what constitutes life, students are able to study individual components of organisms while understanding the relation to the whole organism. Laboratory work, combined with practical field experience, allow students to directly engage in research. First-year students are paired with faculty members and all Biology students are encouraged to participate in important field trips. Each year, Biofeedback, the undergraduate Biology conference, presents senior Honours students with the opportunity to share their research with faculty, peers and the community. Further research opportunities exist within four Research Centers, each designed to address current local and global issues. Biology graduates are prepared for careers in biological and related fields such as applied science, health science, medicine and/or graduate studies.
Career ideas
Biologist, Conservationist, Doctor, Dentist, Electron Microscope Specialist, Environmentalist, Environmental Educator, Health Policy Consultant, Laboratory Technician, Marine/Fisheries Biologist, Nurse, Oceanographer, Optometrist, Pharmaceutical Research, Pharmacologist, Pest Control Consultant, Physician, Teacher, Veterinarian, Water Quality Inspector, Wetlands Biologist. More at Biology Careers
Chemistry is the study of matter. It investigates the composition, properties, and transformations of substances. The close integration of curriculum and laboratory work ensures students gain practical experience in studying how materials behave as well as acquire a solid foundation in the basics of chemistry. Research facilities provide access to sophisticated techniques. The most popular complement to Chemistry is Biology. Participation in regional and national competitions ranks undergraduates at the top amongst their peers. Dynamic activities through the Chemistry Club and access to faculty and senior students, helps chemistry students develop a spirit of community. Chemistry graduates are well-prepared for opportunities to pursue graduate studies as well as employment in a wide variety of professions.
Career ideas
Agricultural Chemist, Analytical Chemist, Biochemist, Biotechnologist, Chemical Engineer, Chemical Instructor, Cosmetic Chemist, Dentist, Environmental Chemist, Food Chemist, Forensic Scientist, Geochemist, Industrial Hygienist, Laboratory Manager, Laboratory Technician, Medical Doctor, Medicinal Chemist, Molecular Biologist, Patent Examiner, Paint Chemist, Pharmacist, Polymer Scientist, Researcher, Sales/Technical Support, Toxicologist, Veterinarian. More at Chemistry Careers
Computer scientists are problem solvers. The study of computer science provides students with the ability to develop systems for many fields, using innovation and creativity. The knowledge students obtain is applied to many fields such as medicine, business and forensics. Students at the Jodrey School of Computer Science acquire skills that are relevant, current, and in demand. These skills are gathered in a cutting- edge, nationally accredited curriculum, as well as through relevant job experience supported by Acadia’s co-op program and industry partners. Computing can be your main area of study or integrated with other disciplines such as biology, education or music. A degree in Computer Science allows a student to secure employment in an area of personal interest.
Career ideas
Computer Sales and Support Rep, Database Administrator, Data Recovery Manager, Hardware Designer, Information Systems Consultant, Network Administrator, Network Security Specialist, Operations Research Analyst, Programmer, Project Manager, Software Designer, Systems Analyst, System Architect, Technical Support Representative, Telecommunications Specialist, Web Master/Internet Specialist. More at Computing Careers
Engineers are the artists of science. Through the process of design, they apply science to develop innovative solutions to problems. The Ivan Curry School of Engineering offers a program leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Engineering, the latter delivered through co-operative arrangements with Dalhousie University and the University of New Brunswick. Acadia’s Engineering program is part of a major faculty yet offers a small campus atmosphere. The integration of curriculum and technology exposes students to various computer applications employed in the private and public sectors. Numerous branches of engineering provide students diversity in their profession of choice. Fully accredited degree programs are offered in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Computer, Industrial, Environmental, Geological, Geomatics, Mining, Forest, Biological, Software or Metallurgical Engineering.
Career ideas
Varies depending on discipline. More at Engineering Careers
Environmental Science is the study of the relationships and interactions among organisms, their environment and human activity. Understanding and solving the problems associated with how humans impact the environment, requires a multidisciplinary approach involving Biology, Chemistry and Geology. Students are presented with actual environmental/ scientific issues and under the leadership of faculty, develop the expertise to apply their knowledge to problems. Curriculum is integrated with technology and field work, giving students the hands-on experience necessary to conduct individual research and acquire investigative and experimental skills. Environmental Science offers students the option to pursue graduate studies or secure employment in a variety of fields such as agriculture, fisheries, government labs and agencies, natural resources, policy and planning, resource conversation and remediation.
Career ideas
Communication and Research, Consultant, Ecologist, Environmental Education, Environmental Lawyer, Environmental Protection Specialist, Environmental Quality Analyst, Hazardous Material Manager, Recycling Manager, Park Naturalist /Interpreter, Policy Analyst, Teacher, Technician, Urban Planning. More at EES Careers
Geology deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks, sediments and landscapes. Global change, energy dependency, natural hazards and public health all require information about the dynamics and history of our planet. Students study either Geology or Environmental Geoscience which enables them to register professionally. Curriculum is well-integrated and builds upon the basic principles of earth science. The close integration of field work and technology ensures students receive hands-on experience and access to current geological software. Laboratories are well-equipped and numerous opportunities exist to conduct research. Regional competitions rank students at the top among their peers. Students are prepared for a variety of careers, both locally and globally, in the environmental, energy, and mining industries, as well as graduate studies.
Career ideas
Environmental Researcher, Exploration Geologist, Gemologist, Geochemist, Geological Engineer, Geophysicist, Investment Analyst, Lawyer, Marine Geologist, Mine Geologist, Museum Curator, Stockbroker, Survey Geologist, Teacher. More at EES Careers
Mathematics and Statistics are the central tools scientists use to solve problems. Questions in mathematics center upon quantity, form, and structure and use analytical methods to model events in the natural world. Statisticians specialize in the collection and interpretation of data. The universal nature of mathematical structures makes them necessary in understanding and creating applications to everyday issues. Graduating students receive support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada at a rate higher than the national average. The integration of technology and curriculum exposes students to computing languages and software, ensuring the attainment of skills required for employment or graduate studies. Graduates may pursue careers in accounting, insurance, education, biostatistics, medical research, cryptology, computing, banking and finance or professional studies in health science, law and engineering.
Career ideas
Actuary, Bank Manager, Chartered Accountant, Compensation Research Analyst, Consumer Loan Officer, Data Processing Manager, Financial Auditor, Network Programmer, Pension Specialist, Rate Analyst, Risk Analyst, Software Designer, Software Developer, Statistician, Teacher, Technician. More at Math and Stats Careers
Nutrition and Dietetics is the scientific study of food intake and human physiology. Students focus on nutrition, food safety, composition and policy. They study the biological and chemical aspects of nutritional sciences while integrating the psychological and sociological components of human well-being. Students are taught how to improve the quality of life for self, clients and community by motivating clientele and communicating the science behind food consumption. They also help others to gain an understanding of the composition and attributes of food. As an accredited program, students are able to meet professional licensing standards. Nutrition and Dietetics offers opportunities in graduate studies or employment as community nutritionists, health educators, food service supervisors, clinical dietitians, researchers, teachers and nutrition consultants for the food industry. The double major in Nutrition and Biology serves as an excellent preparation for careers in the medical and health care professions.
Career ideas
Clinical Dietician, Community Nutritionist, Dietician, Health Consultant, Health Educator, Food Service Managers, Nutrition Counsellor, Nutrition Information Specialists for the Food Industry, Researcher, Teacher. More at Nutrition and Dietetics.
Physics is the study of the interrelationships and interactions fundamental to understanding how the world works. Acadia’s Physics program equips students with the necessary skills to develop new concepts and technology to tackle real world problems. After the first year of study, paid positions are available in the help center and as laboratory demonstrators. Following the second and third years, numerous opportunities exist for paid summer research projects that may form part of an undergraduate thesis. An Acadia physics degree prepares students for a wide range of careers.
Career ideas
Astronomer, Audiologist, Biophysicist, Dentist, Doctor, Financial Analyst, Geophysics, Medical Researcher, Meteorology, Optometrist, Radiologist, Science Journalist, Science Teacher, Software Developer. More at Physics Careers
Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes, which includes both lab-based and community-based research. In the mental health domain, psychologist practitioners apply knowledge to individual and societal problems. First-year courses survey a variety of psychological concepts while the second year builds upon these basic themes. In the third and fourth year, students examine more specific topics and are able to conduct research related to individual interests under faculty supervision. An undergraduate degree in psychology may ultimately lead to employment in the helping professions, the service sector and management. Recent graduates have gone into graduate or professional studies in clinical and counseling psychology, law, medicine, education, university-based psychological research, speech language pathology, and human resource management.
Career ideas
Behaviour Analyst, Case Worker, Child Protection Worker, Corrections Officer, Counsellor/therapist, Doctor, Editor, Forensic Physician, Human Resources, Labour Relations, Management Consultant, Marketing/Sales Manager, Media Planner, Mental Health Worker, Parole Officer, Psychiatrist, Public Health Worker, Research Assistant, Researcher, Social Service Worker,Teacher.