
Tuesday November 5, 1:30-2:30ppm HSH 336

Dr. Liesel Carlsson – Nutrition and Dietetics

Title: The Social Impact Potential of Dietitians on Planetary Health

Description: Food systems and dietary patterns are strong drivers of climate change, ecological and social system instability. Liesel will share some insights from collaborative research that examines the social impact and potential of nutrition and dietetics professionals in four countries on food systems and diets. If time, she’ll also share some of the ways our future workforce are being equipped (or not) to participate as health professionals under a Planetary Health paradigm.

Gratitude to SSHRC for an Insight Development Grant, the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Practice and Research, a Harrison McCain Visitorship, and the International Confederation of Dietetics Associations for funding this work.


Tuesday November 19, 1:00pm-2:00pm HSH 336

Dr. Allison Walker – Biology

Title: Dispatches from the Bay of Fungi: Coastal fungal biodiversity research at Acadia

Description: Join us for a deep dive into the world of coastal and marine fungi! Dr. Walker and her Fungal Dream Team explore seagrass beds, salt marshes, mangroves and more to characterize unexplored fungal biodiversity, distribution and interactions with other organisms.

This series is made possible by the generous support of the Office of the Dean of Science, the Harrison McCain Foundation and the Office of Research and Graduate Studies

Please note due to the suspension of classes for this week -- no seminars will be happening this week.


The Faculty of Pure and Applied Science Presents - Please note - this event has now been cancelled.


Undergraduate Science Research Summit

Thursday, April 2/2020 - Huestis Innovation Pavilion - 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Members of the Acadia campus community are invited to discover the far-reaching effects of undergraduate research at Acadia


Biology Department

Speaker: Dr. Mirwais Qaderi - Department of Biology, Mount Saint Vincent University

Topic: Plant-derived methane: what do we know about it?

Thursday, March 19/2020 in Beveridge Arts Centre Room#236 at 11:3am


Earth and Environmental Science Department

Speaker: Dr. Marc Laflamme

Tuesday, March 17/2020 in Huggins Science Hall Room#336

10:00am - The Paleontological Toolset: How fossils help interpret the history of the Earth (classroom talk)

4:00pm - Complexity in the Oldest Animal Ecosystems


Jodrey School of Computer Science

Justin Hiltz - BCSH Thesis Defence: Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Image Classification via Feature Prediction and Localization

Friday, March 20/2020 in Carnegie Hall Room#113 at 2:30pm

The Faculty of Pure and Applied Science Presents


Undergraduate Science Research Summit

Thursday, April 2/2020 - Huestis Innovation Pavilion - 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Members of the Acadia campus community are invited to discover the far-reaching effects of undergraduate research at Acadia


Biology Department

Speaker: Dr. Anna Metaxas, Department of Biology - Dalhousie University

Topic: Evidence-based conservation: ecological connectivity and the design of marine protected areas

Thursday, March 12/2020 in Beveridge Arts Centre Room#236 at 11:30am


Earth and Environmental Science Department

CSPG East Coast Lecture Tour

Speaker: Dr. Genevieve Bordeleau

Topic: Shale Gas and Groundwater: When Isotopes get together and tell their story

Friday, March 13/2020 in Huggins Science Hall Room#336 at 12:30pm


Psychology Department

Speaker: Rhea Ashley Hoskin, Ph.D., Post Doctoral Reseacher - Queens University

Topic: Femmephobia: A new approach to gender-based discrimination

Friday, March 13/2020 in K. C. Irving Centre Auditorium at 4:30pm


School of Nutrition and Dietetics

Senior Seminar (NUTR 4903) is the capstone course for the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition in the School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Students engage in independent research projects on a topic of their choice related to food, nutrition, and/or dietetics. The course is a celebration of learning, drawing on courses taken throughout the degree. Campus and community members are most welcome.

Presentations for Tuesday, March 10/2020 from 7:00pm to 10:00pm in the K. C. Irving Centre Auditorium.

Three students will defend their Honours thesis. Their thesis presentations will be 30-45 minutes each, including questions.

Alexis Tomchuk (Dr. M. Kaviani, Supervisor) - Effects of New Zealand Blackcurrant Extra Supplementation on Cardiovascular Function and Running Performance in Athletes

Tim Lamont (Dr. M. McSweeney, Supervisor) - Surf'n Bake: Exploring the Sensory Characteristics of Seaweed Composite Bread

Madalyn Higgins (Dr. M. Kaviani, Supervisor) - Assessing Prevalence and Effect of Nutrition Education on Female Athlete Triad Risk at Acadia University